Silly Earthy Ceramics

The 2 projects I’m most interested in continuing…

3’ x 1’ x 1”

hanging lamp experiment

1’ x 9” x 2”

2d intertwined people - high fire petroglyph

Elephant Watering Cans

3” x 9” x 7”

Slip casted high fire ceramic elephants

Ern For Twin Bunnies

Lamp Obsession ;)

6” x 6” x 6”

These shades are a passion project; I am thinking about creating them so they will emit light in unique ways.

Tile Lamp

2’ x 1’ x 6”

Experimenting with taking 2D pieces and making them functional 3D pieces.

2D Slip Cast Experiments

3’ x 5’ x 1”

Experimenting with how to make slip-casted tiles with different materials


Cairn vase